Ruby Maxine Ingmire

Ruby is my grandmother, everyone calls her Maxine because she HATES her first name. She was born in May of 1929, and I am happy to report that she is still with us. She married Hugh Bernard June (b. 5-17-1929). They had 5 children, 3 girls and 2 boys. They have lived from Michigan, Ohio, Texas, and a few other places that I can't remember at the moment. Currently they are living in Key Largo Florida.

Seeing as I am really trying to trace the Ingmire line I am going to sort of leave Grandpa alone from here.

Maxine's Parents:
Fred Ingmire Born November 8, 1902 in Ohio, Died August 23, 1971 in Monroe Michigan.

Dicia Almira Gray Born September 12, 1906 in Ohio, Died April 9, 1981 in Ohio.

They only had the one child - Ruby Maxine June.

The hunt begins...

Well, I would say that the hunt begins but that's not quite the truth. I started on this Genealogy kick about 5-6 years ago after listening to my grandmother tell me stories about the family. It was more along the lines of family legends and I wanted to know just how much of it was legit. Unfortunately, I don't really have much in the way of resources or knowledge to really dive in.

I spend a lot of time on searching and adding to what I do have, but there are a lot of gaps and a lot of things that don't make much sense. So here I am. Throwing out what I have found in the hopes that someone out in this vast world of cyber space will be able to help me fill in the missing links.